Project Planning, Design and Engineering Service
Required Documents
- Last 12 Months Invoice
- Location
- Static plans of the roof to be installed (in dwg format)
- Architectural section plans of the roof to be installed (in dwg format)
- Roofing material details (detailed information such as pitch width)
- Electricity plan of the existing building
- Roof photos, Panel, Transformer photos
- Optimum panel and inverter operation over AutoCAD (.dwg)
- 3D (3 dimensional) simulation study
- Shadow Calculations
- Static project
- Mechanical project
- Electric project
- Annual solar projection and production amount (European Union Simulation)
- Optimum panel and inverter string layout plan via AutoCAD (.dwg)
- 3D (3 dimensional) design work
- Suitable construction work for the existing roof
- Project feasibility
- Measures against shading
- Distance to transformer and connection point
- Dust and pollution factors in the environment